What We Do
The Regina Centre Canadian Progress Club received its charter in 1987. A dinner and charity auction started the following year continues today; with funds raised to help Camp Circle O' Friends, a summer camp for children whose lives are touched by cancer. The Regina Centre Canadian Progress Club has a reputation as a 'get things done' organization.
Our major focus is to provide financial support for Camp Circle O’Friends “touching the lives of children whose lives have been touched by cancer”. We have helped to build a storage shed, a medical facility and a “challenge course” - used for creative physical activities and team building at the camp, located on the shores of Lake Diefenbaker.
Other charities and organizations we have supported include: the Girl Guides of Canada, Special Olympics, Inner-City Schools Lunch Program, Raise-A-Reader, the Regina Therapeutic Riding Association, the Regina wheelchair Basketball Association, and others
Read about how the Canadian Progress Club began in our history section. Meet this year’s executive as well as the rest of the members.
Canadian Progress Club, an all Canadian service club, was founded in Toronto in 1922 and now has thirty five clubs in nine provinces. We are proud to be Canadian and proud to make a difference to those we serve.
Enhancing the quality of life of all Canadians, through community service, in the spirit of fellowship.
- To be strongly represented in all areas of Canada.
- To be recognized as the leading service club in Canada.
- To have knowledgeable and committed Progress Club members.
- To create and preserve in the Canadian Progress Club a spirit of friendship that is sincere, helpful and enduring.
- To uphold a standard of personal self respect requiring that members’ behaviour shall cause no reproach to be reflected upon those with whom they associate in public or private life.
- To live up to a Code of Honour which requires business transactions to be in accordance with recognized ethics.
- To make each Canadian Progress Club an Association of individuals of high ideals, devoted to the advancement of the best interest of the Community in which that Club is located.
- To aid and assist those in need.
- To foster Goodwill throughout the whole of Canada; to aid in uniting all the people of Canada into a Nation that shall stand as one of the great and prosperous peoples of the World.
- To show by leadership and example the pride of being a Canadian.
The Canadian Progress Club Regina Centre is part of a network of Progress Clubs across Canada. The men and women in these clubs contribute their time and energy to do good work in their respective communities. Each year they raise in excess of $2,000,000 in support of their selected charities. Since our club was chartered in 1987 more than $2,000,000 has been raised for the organizations we have selected in Regina and the surrounding community.
Progressions are men and women from all walks of life who enjoy hands-on involvement in charitable activities. In particular, members are proud of their contributions in the area of underprivileged children, and of helping to foster the cause of the physically, mentally and socially handicapped people of Canada through service to the community. In doing so they meet new friends and have fun.