Fundraising Events
The events listed below are planned on an annual basis. New events are added when the opportunity presents itself and additional charities are considered when resources allow
Our main charity is the Camp Circle O' Friends. Each year we solicit donations from the business community and offer these at a dinner featuring both a live and silent auction. Funds raised are donated to Camp Circle O' Friends and other charities are considered if resources permit. This event is held in early November.
Teams of four build a boat with a limited amount of materials and time and have one member of the team race the boat across Wascana Lake. Team members are asked to solicit pledges on behalf of their team. All of the proceeds were donated to the Raise-A-Reader program and the Pediatric Outpatient Unit at Regina General Hospital. This event is held on July 1 as part of the Canada Day celebrations.
Special Olympics
On a national level Canadian Progress Clubs proudly support Canadian Special Olympics through the Canadian Progress Charitable Foundation. Our club is proud to be a banner sponsor of the Foundation.
We would like to thank the Regina Business Community for all their support over the years!